Are you a small business owner trying to get a website for your business, but it is just too expensive? Our business model is aimed to satisfy and help the small business owner in South Africa. We will build your website for free and help you get on your feet and only once you are happy with the webpage and it has been launched for the public to see we will charge you a monthly fee. The monthly fee will be there to cover hosting cost, maintenance, security, backups, and any changes that you want to make to your webpage. The size of your webpage will determine your monthly fee but will not be more than R2000 per month. This gives the small business owner the change to get on his feet and budget properly on het website expenses.
Our Services
Step-by-Step Plan
Our step-by-step process helps you to turn your idea into reality. We start off by making sure you have a proper logo and colors for your business. We then walk through the process of designing your webpage and to populate it with content . Once you are happy we launch the website for the public to see. .
This package is mainly directed to business that only wants an information based website. This is where a website is needed to show information to a targeted audiences. For example; what a business and/or a product does, what regulation they uphold to and how to contact the company.
More Information
The Monthly fee also includes:
· Any changes that you want to make
· Monthly backups
· Hosting
· Search engine optimization
· Security
· Software updates
Dynamic Package
R999 per month
This package is mainly directed to business that require clients to do active tasks on their webpage. This package will enable you to own a website that will be targeted to get our client to act on the information at hand For example; e-commerce stores, booking systems and profiles.
More Information
The Monthly fee also includes:
· Any changes that you want to make
· Monthly backups
· Hosting
· Search engine optimization
· Security
· Software updates
Tips and Tricks
About Us
We would like to be a dominating service in website building and hosting industry. We will create this by ensuring that we have great service and a very affordable price. We will strive to innovate and create constant new ideas to give our clients that competitive edge.
Our Values and Vision drive our Mission to remain a first choice service provider, uncompromisingly dedicated to quality. We will achieve this by:
-Developing our workforce skills;
-Adopting efficiency as a core business principle;
-Focussing on client relationships and managing client expectations;
-Pursuing excellence through knowledge, experience and professionalism; and
-Actioning plans to reach strategic goals to achieve our vision.
-Client Satisfaction Our understanding of our clients’ needs leads our commitment to total client satisfaction.
-Commitment We are dedicated to reach our goals by providing a superior service that exceeds expectations.
-Excellence We remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence in quality of product and service.
-Loyalty Our loyalty is true and a value that will never be compromised.
-Integrity Our values are underpinned by our strict policy to absolute integrity, driving our values without reproach.